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pmsp - project management dr. schüler & partner


is a management consultant firm focussing on services for commercial and non-commercial project activities.

pmsp was founded in 2009 from Dr. Ulrich Schueler, an experienced project and program manager, who had previously worked in international development and implementation projects in two major German conglomerates: the BMW group, and Bertelsmann AG. pmspoperates offices in the Hamburg area.


Mission statement


The worldwide economical crisis in 2008 and 2009 proofed to Dr. Schueler that traditional approaches and principles of project work need to be adjusted. While shareholder value and short term revenue targets were the benchmarks of economically efficient acting, now, after the big fiasco of the word economy, more than ever the principles of compatibility and sustainability account for economically efficient acting.

This is especially important for all the existing practices of company projects. Core elements of projects are the available resources. Core elements are especially the humans, that work on the projects. It is of great value, if we are “sailing close to the wind” in our projects, but probably sometimes not enough. Approaches, that are exclusively based on formalized and standardized procedures, are mostly as ineffiecient as approaches that trust too much on the individuality of the projected product as well as the people working at it. It is the integration of proven strategies and new thinking and acting within a team of working humans, that allows for project success. This is the starting point for the firm pmsp - project management dr. schüler & partner.

pmsp is a network of project managers, consultants, and coaches, who strive to apply this integrated approach of project management for the sake of our customers. pmsp stands for an approach, that allows our client to reach his project targets without going a long way round. We work motivated and focussed on success - with all the respect for the participating people, and respect for the resources money and time, that our client gave us to achieve the optimal project results.


pmsp Flyer (PDF download)
