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The PMsp Approach

Business in Projects
The core business of companies is more and more executed in projects. More and more projects build the backbone of all business activties. It simply does not make any sense to extract your best experts from the operational business and train them as a project manager. Project management is a trade, which needs to be learned to become an expert. The operational experts (SMEs) should not be loaded by project management activities. This is the reason why project management by external PM experts becomes more and more relevant for companies.
We care for your projects and provide you with the necessary know-how as project managers. In doing so, we follow the worldwide accepted PMI standards. Our PMs are PMI certified Project Management Professionals ®.


Continous Change
The conditions for a company’s core business are subject to constant and fast change.
The only constant factor of any company is in fact change. Todays requested products
and services will be out of the market tomorrow. Change Management has become one
of the core tasks and challenges of companies. It is a constant effort to improve products
and services, in order to remain successful at the markets. Change Management is only successful, if it runs hand in hand with the suitable project management.
We provide you with change management consulting and project management as an integrated service from one and only one service provider.


Need for Feedback
Cycles of feedback are becoming more and more important for the management in order to control the core business. A well working controlling is the minimum requirement today for any enterprise guidance. Still, too much is falling through the cracks of traditional controlling approaches. How can we assess the chances and risks resulting from existing business processes and even the corporate culture? What are the qualitative parameters? An enterprise-wide business intelligence concept is one part of the game. Data analysis and ad-hoc reporting are necessary control tools. Qualified coaching is the other part of the game. An external coach can uncover issues, internal controllers are not able to see. Taking the perspective of an independent consultant, he is able to look at facts in a different way. A suitable management coaching provides the necessary feedback about those (soft-)facts, which cannot be covered by traditional controlling.
We implement your business intelligence system. And our coaches are able to draw from their long lasting management experiences, when we consult you.




Need for Integration
The integration of actors and components within a company’s core business is mandatory
for business success. Project Management - Change Management - BI and Coaching - the combination of these different methods and toolboxes allow for the optimal integration of
tasks, processes, and actors in ventures.
Projects imply change. Every change requires personal adaptation of the ones, who are involved. Adaptation efforts need to be supported, in order not to be misled. Only the optimal, pro-active contribution of each participant of a project, within the process of change, results in the optimal project success.
We define ourselves as the integration factor: we support you to always have the whole picture set in your sights when you run your project.


pmsp approach