Being an educated psychologist and having long term experience
a project and program manager in major international projects,
Dr. Schüler specialized on coaching with regards to
project environments:
Coaching The Manager
Here, the specific situation of a project or program manager builds
the focus of the coaching process. Alternative perspectives, as
well as alternative behavior and communication patterns of the manager
will be explored, and evaluated in scenarios.
Coaching The Team
It is a fact, that in most projects people are working together,
who are quite different in their professional and personal qualification.
Quite often this raises the task to bring divergent points of view,
even incomatible behaviors and communication styles in a way together
that allows for a productive project work. In this case, within
the coaching process the varying patterns and potentials of a team
will be discovered and made tangible to the team members. It is
the target of the process to increase the performance of the team
and boost the cooperation within the team.
Executive-, Leadership-, And Life Coaching
Apart from project topics certainly there are motives for coaching
within a project. And these are not directly related to project
topics, but have a direct influence on project success. Those are
typically topics of personal positioning, leadership topics, conflicts,
or even not job related very personal topics, which may strongly
influence the individual capability to act. Coaching offers especially
for executives a valuable means to reflect their own acting, as
they usually have to decide and act on their own responsibility
without getting feedback from colleagues or other corrective instances.
Whatever your reason is, to think about taking management coaching,
do not hesitate to contact us. In a first meeting we will assess
your starting point for your coaching request. Jointly we will define
the targets and the paths for your individual coaching process.