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Change Management Consulting

There is typically one of three reasons for initiating change management consulting:

a crisis situation for a company or parts of it (e.g. decrease of revenues, staff drain)

a board decision for a new strategic orientation, or

the introduction of new work methods, practices, and tools.

The conceptional response to a crisis situation is only one part of the change. In order to implement new concepts and procedures in your company all stakeholders must act in concert. Your management, your staff, your suppliers, as well as your customers need to understand the innovations and share them. Changes or adjustments have to fit into a work practice that sometimes was long established and proven, only it is just not sufficient any more now. And every change includes risks and uncertainties for the participating people. This can even result into active resistance. Our change management approach starts exactly at that point: it is about to understand and communicate the reasons for the upcoming innovation. It is about to understand and overcome the reasons for resistance. And it is about finding ways to identify and utilize potentials that always exist at the participating people and the environment.

We implement our projects based on principles of organizational change management:

We focus on human potentials. We start with the head of the enterprise, the board members. We include all levels of the organization, which are part of the change process. And we encourage all the participating people of the change process to take ownership and proactively as well creatively take responsibility for the results.

We create a communication infrastructure, where we can transport the intended processes and targets of the change process to all participants. And we link the change processes into the existing corporate culture, the ground rules and practices of the current living ecosystem of your company. We master your change situation jointly with you.



Project Management
Business Intelligence