Strategic Consulting
It is the foundation of strategic consulting to analyse your business
targets, and jointly with your people to find out about strenghts,
weaknesses, and risks of your ways you are running your business.
Jointly we will investigate about the general conditions for your
business. The core topics are:
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How is your business currently positioned
at the market? |
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To what extend do your current internal structures, your
internal organization and your workflows, your company base
rules, and your corporate culture support your current business? |
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What are the potentials that your company owns to secure
your corporate targets, and what are the inhibitors that prevent
you from reaching your targets? |
We work out, which potentials your people bring along, and how these
potentials can be utilized and bundled for your future strategy.
Jointly with you we work out, how you can adjust your strategies
to a constantly changing market environment. Doing this, we systematically
analyse your competitive situating, your supplier and customer environment,
and additionally the relevant market and product trends. Your renewed
corporate strategy comprises (re-)defining your corporate targets,
as well as the scope of necessary innovation projects. Together
with your internal professionals we also participate in implementing
the new strategy.
In our professional services we at PMsp follow the groundrules and
guidelines of the Bund Deutscher Unternehmensberater (BDU e.V. -
Association of German Executive Consultants).
We are dedicated to help you finding and developing your specific
way into your future.